

weightloss...what weightloss?

Eeek, I'm finding it quite awkward to have my face in close up above but hey,
the more I keep typing the more the page will scroll up.
How have you been?
It's been a while  since I've done a post.
Lot's of family drama (nothing I will bore you with though) and having the kids home from
school for a week has taken up a lot of my time.
I can't believe the kids are now in their last term of school, wow!
This year really has flown by.

Having the kids home for a week has also kind of stopped all my good intentions
about healthy food and exercise.
I didn't really like having to constantly get of the running machine to break up an argument,
get a snack or drink for them
or answer the phone (no one EVER phones...apart from when I decide to get on the
running machine, typical!)
We also did some baking...and after the baking I helped them eat it all up.
What did we bake I hear you ask...well cookies and cakes, pancakes
and other not so healthy snacks of course.
kids home equals no hope for me to loose weight...ever!
Luckily they are back in school now and I can start again.
I just need to find my motivation again.
Do you know where I left it?

Tonight I am making a stir fry with lots of veggies,
Let that be the start of my new healthy week.
Until tonight I have a bar of chocolate that needs finishing, shhhht.

Have a great Wednesday chickadees!

Linking up with the fabulous Savannah today



Amy said...

You look gorgeous in that pic!

Katie said...

i think that is a beautiful pic!!! and veggie stir fry is a favorite - I should make it!!