

A few new things around here

Today we finally moved into our new house.
It's been a day of unpacking boxes and moving furniture around
I am exhausted.
I am actually wishing I had Mary Poppins's powers,
you know where she sings the spoon full of sugar song and the
house tidies itself.
Could really do with some of that!

Tomorrow will be another day of unpacking but
I am hoping to be finished by midday and then I will
hopefully not have to look a removal box for a VERY long time.

What else is new?

Did you notice my wonderful new blog design!
Melissa from Cherry on top shoppe redesigned it for me and I think
she did an AMAZING job!

Seriously, if you are thinking of having some changes done
I couldn't recommend her more.
She took my idea and turned it into this little masterpiece,
I couldn't be happier!



Amy said...

I LOVE the new blog design! It looks great! Hope unpacking is going smoothly!

Unknown said...

Your blog is very pretty! I am your newest follower over from the blog hop! Hope you are all settled in now and having a lovely summer.