Happy Monday everyone!
I hope the weekend treated you well.
Ours was fairly quiet.
Saturday we moved sofa's, a bookcase, the TV and some
pictures...in short we rearranged the living room.
Yesterday we had a poorly boy so we stayed at home and
watched some movies.
On to today.
Miscellany Monday, yay!
Why don't you join me.
Here we go!
1. After drooling for weeks over a necklace EVERYONE
seems to be wearing I finally bought one myself.
It's coming all the way from China and I can't
wait to start wearing this.
2. One of the movies we watched yesterday was Zathura. It's a bit
like Jumanji only it's set in space. My kiddies loved it and Dylan asked
if we can buy that game for him. I hope he doesn't think
the same will happen to him as to the boys in the movie.
Can you imagine!
3. Friday was Camo day in school. The kids had to dress up
as soldiers or wear green and brown and money was raised for a charity.
Dylan dressed up as a little soldier boy and Emily
wanted to be a sailor girl. She even wore daddies old cap.
What do you think?
4. I have a job interview tomorrow, eeeeeeeek!
To say I'm nervous is an understatement.
I've been trying on every single thing in my wardrobe
and think I have made a choice on what to
wear. Wish me luck OK my lovelies.
5. I think I might make a risotto for dinner tonight.
I like risotto's.
What are you planning for dinner tonight?
6. Yesterday evening we got the treadmill out, all ready for
me to use in the morning. It's now after midday and
it's still out....unused.
Don't think it will get used today.
Sorry body, no fat will be burned today!
7. 99 followers. That's on less than 100.
think I might just pee my pants with happiness!
Thanks so much to each and everyone of you,
you guys ROCK!!!
8. I'm just thinking I could do with some new shoes for
my interview tomorrow...and maybe a new outfit.
Hey, I've got a good excuse right.
OK, think I'm gonna hit the shops now.
Tata for now
Have a great Monday.

I just got that necklace too! seems everyone in the blogging world had one. I got turquoise. Hope to wear it soon!
Dylan & Emily look adorable :)
Best of luck for tomorrow and enjoy your risotto tonight, I'm planning on jambolya...essentially a less posh version of risotto ;-)
Have fun shopping! Your kids look pretty cute in those outfits!
i LOVE that bubble necklace - amazing yellow color :)
loving your blog. seriously :) so sweet and inspiring.
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